Preparing for a haircut

Haircuts are not always fun for children as the unfamiliarity can be overwhelming. If its a first ever haircut in a salon there’s a new environment, a stranger who will cut their hair and your child has no idea how long the haircut will take. Even after the first visit, you may find that your child dislikes the buzz of the clippers, fears scissors near their head or they may dislike having their hair touched.

The stylists at Noah’s Ark are experienced with both the common and unusual fears and behaviours which many children experience. Katrina shares her helpful hints as to best prepare your child for their visit to the salon.

?Katrina at Antony and Patricia

Consultations help us make the the most of your visit

Before you visit…

  • Complete the consultation form we send you so we can tailor your booking and understand any concerns you may have before you arrive
  • If you think it would help, arrange a visit so your child can familiarise themselves with the salon.
  • If it’s a first salon haircut, take away the mystery by reading storybooks about getting haircuts or through play, giving pretend haircuts to each other.
  • You can try getting your hair cut first and bring your child with you to watch
  • Schedule an appointment at a time of day your child is most calm – we can help by recommending a time when the children’s salon is quieter if this helps.
  • Consider what type of hairstyle may best benefit your child’s circumstances, e.g. a ‘buzz cut’ with clippers may be best suited than one that involves scissors.
  • Arrive in plenty of time for your appointment. Traffic delays, difficulties in parking (especially on market days!) can lead to stressed parents and late arrivals.

Once you’ve arrived at the salon, Katrina suggests…

  • Keep your child focused on something else by bringing a preferred toy, book or video to watch. We also have items available to share including tablets, TV and toys.
  • Your child can sit in your lap if needed – let us know what you think will work best
  • If the noise of the scissors or clippers bothers your child, speak to us about this – we don’t have to use both.
  • A private room is available if it helps to be apart from other families in Noah’s Ark and we can provide covers for the mirror on request.

Create a routine by visiting the same stylist on a regular basis

After the haircut:

  • Bring another top that your child can change into after their haircut – tiny hair remnants around the neckline can make someone itch like crazy!
  • Create a routine by visiting the same stylist on a regular basis.  The familiarity and consistency will help build a greater level of trust and help to alleviate those fears.
  • Provide a reward directly after the haircut. We provide tasty treats for our youngest clients, but you could follow up the haircut with a trip to the playground, a visit to the grandparents or something else that they would love

It’s worth remembering that every child’s behaviour whilst having a haircut differs. We hope our suggestions help make your child’s next haircut less stressful or scary.

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Children overcome their fear of haircuts at Noah’s Ark

Some children find a trip to the hair salon scary and those with sensory issues or on the Autism spectrum can really struggle. We know its not much fun for parents either, many find it a stressful time.

We’re used to the tears, hysterics, and struggles, it’s what inspired the creation of Noah’s Ark, which also includes a sensory room ‘The Lifeboat’.

Our team of stylists are super friendly and will help your children overcome their fears to make the visit to the hairdressers more calm and positive. We take our time to work with your child and build trust.

Everyone is welcome to come and visit before their first appointment, say hello and take a look around. It helps us if you can call us before you visit so we can make sure one of our team is available to meet with you.

We recommend to use the sensory room, you book in advance as we do get really busy.

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