Online booking help

We’ve searched high and low for a booking system that works for families…. but we couldn’t find the perfect solution. So here are our tips and tricks when booking multiple appointments for families.


When accounts share a mobile number


When you log in, the system will show the account with the shared mobile number that has the most recent booking. Or if you’re creating a new account, the first booking will be associated with the name you create the account with.


When this happens how do you book for someone else?


Booking when the account shows the contact details of another member of your family


If you login and the client is another member of your family, you should amend the booking when you reach the Enter your details screen. Simply click ‘booking for someone else’ and enter the details of the person you are booking for.


What about when I want to book appointments for multiple members of my family?


When booking more than one appointment, for multiple members of the same family, you need to create separate bookings (otherwise all the services are booked under one client).


Book the first service, attached to the individual who is requesting the service.


When you have completed the booking, restart the booking process. Select the next service you wish to book. When you reach the Enter your details screen. Simply click ‘booking for someone else’ and enter the details of the person you are booking for.


Repeat this process until all the bookings are made ? .


If all else fails, please contact the salon on 01706 217129 and we’ll be able to help.

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